Welcome! This is the 2023 iteration of our web property. It is a small business example site built on WordPress, and has a fairly standard menu and ties to 4 social media hubs. Being a web developer, I find it somewhat difficult to keep up my own website. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. I know builders that do fabulous work on very beautiful homes, and they themselves live in modest ‘shacks’ comparatively speaking. We probably all know someone like this – too busy to do their own craft for themselves. But it really doesn’t present so well.
It is important to keep up with new technologies and have a showcase for your work, so I’ve updated WordPress to a more modern design. I’ve built this site on the Materialis ↗️ theme.
Some plugins used include:
- Google Maps CP
- One Click Accessibility
- WP-Optimize
- Strong Testimonials
- AddToAny Share Buttons
- Yoast SEO
- Pending: Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent
Tests (at the time of post)
- HTML Validator ↗️
- Passed: Valid HTML
- GTMetrix ↗️
- Grade: A
- Performance: 100%
- Structure: 93%
- Largest Contentful Paint: 515ms
- Total Blocking Time: 52ms
- Cumulative Layout Shift: 0.04
- Page Speed Insights ↗️
- Performance: 97 ~ Accessibility: 95 ~ Best Practices: 100 ~ SEO: 100
- Pingdom ↗️
- Performance grade 95
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